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How kerb appeal could aid a post-lockdown sale in Bristol

How kerb appeal could aid a post-lockdown sale in Bristol The restrictions are starting to lift and although it will take a long time before things resemble what they were, there are trickling signs of life returning.  Not everyone has had the desire to continue with their plans to move, and others’ decision to find […]

How kerb appeal could aid a post-lockdown sale in Portsmouth

The restrictions are starting to lift and although it will take a long time before things resemble what they were, there are trickling signs of life returning.  Not everyone has had the desire to continue with their plans to move, and others’ decision to find a new home in Portsmouth could be a recent one.  […]

How the sun can help sell your home

With warmer temperatures being enjoyed across the country at the moment, we have certainly been loving how the sun seems to put a smile on everyone’s face. Lets face it we need it right now too.  Even with the typical British complaints of it being ‘too hot’ everyone seems to have been making most of […]

Why it’s a fantastic time to search for your new home

In this new world we find ourselves in, with the country in lockdown, many of us furloughed, and social distancing becoming the norm, it may seem a very strange time to start the search for a new home.  You might have been thinking about moving before the pandemic but have now put your plans on […]

The popular lockdown addition that will add value to your home

The lockdown has created many challenges we could not even have imagined even a couple of months ago.  From spending your day in a busy work environment to suddenly having to try and work around a busy home where kids are being home-schooled, your pet wants attention, and trying to have a private Zoom call […]

How staging can tell the story of your home

You may have heard of the term ‘home staging’, especially if you have sold your home before.  Basically, home staging is the art of presenting your home in a way that immediately attracts potential buyers. It is more than decluttering, cleaning and organising; it’s about transforming you house into a potential home for someone else.  […]

8.4% of Bristol Workers Worked From Home Before Covid-19 – Wonder How Many More Do Now?

Before the Covid-19 pandemic hit, 22,309 Bristol people worked mainly from home, or about 8.4% of Bristol’s 265,374 workforce (compared to the national average of 14.9%). Yet over the last few weeks, many hundreds, even thousands more Bristol workers have joined them in their spare rooms or at their kitchen or dining room tables. Amongst […]

7.4% of Portsmouth Workers Worked from Home Before Covid-19 – Wonder How Many More do Now?

Before the Covid-19 pandemic hit, 8,401 Portsmouth people worked mainly from home, or about 7.4% of Portsmouth’s 113,075 workforce (compared to the national average of 14.9%). Yet over the last few weeks many thousands more Portsmouth workers have joined them in their spare rooms or at their kitchen or dining room tables. Amongst warnings from […]

Five unwritten rules for buying a home

You may be on the hunt for your first home or decided to move up or down the housing ladder.  There are many things to consider when searching for a property, but have you thought about what is the right etiquette?  To prevent you from slipping along the way I wanted to share with you […]

New Electrical Safety Regulations could cost each Bristol Landlord £350+ in the next 13 months

Bristol Electricians are going to very busy in the next 13 months as they will have to test the electrics of every private rented property in Bristol and potentially may have to install new fuse boards and wiring in some circumstances. New regulations set out in the Housing and Planning Act 2016 gave the Secretary […]

Virtual ways to keep all your family entertained during lockdown…

Staying at home is a challenge, staying away from family and friends but also keeping up with new ideas to keep the whole family occupied.  Many of us are embracing this time as precious as we are getting quality time with the ones we love.  If you’re finding the lockdown in Bristol stressful I hope […]

New Electrical Safety Regulations could cost each Portsmouth Landlord £350+ in the next 13 months

Portsmouth Electricians are going to very busy in the next 13 months as they will have to test the electrics of every private rented property in Portsmouth and potentially may have to install new fuse boards and wiring in some circumstances. New regulations set out in the Housing and Planning Act 2016 gave the Secretary […]

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