Do your clients instruct YOU or your Company?
If you’ve pressed on this article, like myself, you think you’re the best at what you do. You’re the business winner, the ‘lister’, the person responsible for ensuring that you and your company are the obvious choice in your patch. You know your competition’s strengths, weaknesses and costs; you know your market inside out and clients recommend you to their friends, but your company takes more than 97% of the commission pot, regardless of how much work you personally commit to.
Prior to joining NEXA, I found myself in this predicament.
Working long, fixed hours, under-staffed, with no flexibility and a low percentage commission – how would your clients feel knowing that, out of the fee you’ve agreed and for all the hard work that you’ve put in, you were likely to be earning around £50-£100? When you leave a tip at a restaurant, is that tip for the waiter/waitress, or an additional income stream for the company who have already charged you for their food? It’s for the face that assisted you from start to finish throughout your dining experience, because they earned it.
There’s a scene in ‘The Wolf of Wall Street’ where Jordan Belfort walks into the Investor Centre and begins to earn 50% commission on deals, when he was previously earning 1% from his position for a large corporate company – this is not dissimilar to working for NEXA. In the last six months here, I have had no shame whatsoever in telling clients that I earn 40% of everything they’re paying the company. Why should I? They have employed me because they trust me, so I should be paid accordingly. If anything, they are more bought into my concept – I’m working 20 times harder because I get paid 20 times more once their transaction completes. We all win together.
I’m even less ashamed to mention that I get paid for each new employee that the company employs based on my introduction – I want to work alongside more like-minded people who think they’re the best. Call me on 07920423034 if you’d like an informal discussion about how you can start earning what you deserve from your work ethics.