Showing Category: Properties
14,350 Portsmouth Homeowners to be ‘Unchained’ From Toxic Leasehold Agreements in Biggest Shake-up of Property Law in Decades
When William the Conqueror invaded our fair shores in 1066, like all good kings, he needed to buy loyalty and raise cash to build his castles and armies. He did this by feudal law system and granted all the faithful nobles and aristocrats with land. In return, the nobles and aristocrats would give the King […]
44,855 Bristol Homeowners to be ‘Unchained’ from Toxic Leasehold Agreements in Biggest Shake-up of Property Law in Decades
When William the Conqueror invaded our fair shores in 1066, like all good kings, he needed to buy loyalty and raise cash to build his castles and armies. He did this by feudal law system and granted all the faithful nobles and aristocrats with land. In return, the nobles and aristocrats would give the King […]
How Will the Brexit Deal Affect Bristol House Prices and Your Mortgage Payments?
Christmas Eve brought the news that Boris Johnson had conclusively agreed on a Brexit deal for the UK with the European Union. This gave optimism that the economic turmoil of leaving the EU would be radically reduced, yet what will this ‘trade deal’ do to the value of your Bristol home and the mortgage payments you […]
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As Unemployment Hits 7% in Portsmouth, What Effect Will This Have on the Portsmouth Property Market in 2021?
12 months ago, the unemployment rate in Portsmouth stood at 2.9% of the working population, yet with Coronavirus hitting the UK, what impact will this rise in unemployment have on the Portsmouth property market? As I have discussed a number of times in my articles on the Portsmouth property market, this summer saw the Portsmouth […]
Are you in seasonal shape for moving in Bristol during 2021?
The countdown is truly on and Christmas is but days away. The decorations are up, and the TV adverts are filled with magical stories and heart-warming tales. Each year, major UK brands battle to grab our attention, and the coveted Christmas advert is the highlight of their year. Although there have been some great ones, […]
7 top tips for moving home at Christmas
The decorations are up, the shopping days are getting few and Xmas songs are all over the radio. As you’re driving home for Christmas this year, have you added to the normal stresses and strains by moving home in Bristol as well? You won’t be on your own – you’d be surprised how many people […]
No Deal Brexit – The Prediction for Bristol House Prices
Roll the clock back to April 2020, and major financial economists and property market commenters were sounding the alarm. The very best-case scenario was a 5% drop in property values by the end of the year, and most were in the 10% to 15% range. They forewarned the Covid-19 stimulated recession would trim tens of […]
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Should I keep my property on the market this winter in Cardiff?
We are coming to the end of this crazy, crazy year, and although you have already made the decision to move, you might be thinking, do I really need the hassle over the next few weeks? Not only do you have the lockdown constraints, but you are having to work out your Christmas bubble. So […]
Should I keep my property on the market this winter in Bristol?
We are coming to the end of this crazy, crazy year, and although you have already made the decision to move, you might be thinking, do I really need the hassle over the next few weeks? Not only do you have the constraints of being in Tier 3 in Bristol, but you are having to […]