Showing Category: Online Business
50 ways to kill your Bristol home sale
The last few days has seen the lights come back on for our high street, as non-essential shops have started to tentatively open. We are still doing things with caution and distance, but slowly and surely life is starting to open up a bit more. This confidence can also be seen in the Bristol housing […]
Are Buy to Let Landlords Really to Blame for Bristol’s Housing Crisis?
Isn’t it funny that nobody boasts they are a buy to let landlord anymore? Roll the clock back to the early millennium and you couldn’t go to the local golf club or shop at a Waitrose without someone dropping buy to let into the conversation as easily and as often as the weather. Yet […]
8.4% of Bristol Workers Worked From Home Before Covid-19 – Wonder How Many More Do Now?
Before the Covid-19 pandemic hit, 22,309 Bristol people worked mainly from home, or about 8.4% of Bristol’s 265,374 workforce (compared to the national average of 14.9%). Yet over the last few weeks, many hundreds, even thousands more Bristol workers have joined them in their spare rooms or at their kitchen or dining room tables. Amongst […]
What Will Be the Effect of Covid-19 on the Bristol Property Market?
So now we are only a matter of a couple of weeks into lockdown, yet can you believe it I am still speaking with agents from all over the UK, and I do not jest, properties are still being sold and let even in these unprecedented times. Yet I would like to address the question […]
What is gazumping, and how can you stop it happening to you?
You’ve started your journey looking for a new home in Bristol. After viewing a number of properties, you find it, that dream property that you can’t wait to call your own. The offer is in and you nervously wait by the phone to see if it’s accepted. As you’re celebrating and starting to picture how […]
How to reduce your anxiety when buying a home in Bristol
It’s not everyday that you buy a home – it’s more than a purchase, it’s an investment in your future, a place where memories will be made and stored. Buying a home is an emotional rollercoaster. Whether you’re buying for the first time or not, it’s rare for two experiences to be the same. Because […]
The Rights, Obligations & Responsibilities of the 19,648 Bristol Landlords & 48,530 Tenants During the Virus Outbreak
The last three or four weeks, unquestionably, have been one of the most life-changing times we have seen since WW2. The imminent threat of the CoronaThe Rights, Obligations & Responsibilities of the 19,648 Bristol Landlords & 48,530 Tenants During the Virus Outbreakvirus has taken over the world, the UK and Bristol and will challenge you, […]
Etiquette you should follow when selling your home in Bristol
There are a whole wealth of emotions wrapped up into selling your home; you have to part ways with a property you once loved, whilst you start your quest for the next one that will steal your heart. The ups and downs of the process can sometimes cloud your judgement and, as this is one […]
Which estate agent should you choose in Bristol to sell your home?
One of the most crucial decisions you can make when deciding to sell your home in Bristol is your choice of estate agent. You need to be picky to ensure that the estate agent you choose is right for you and your home. The right estate agent will be able to attract suitable buyers to […]
Will There Be a ‘Boris Bounce’ For the Bristol Property Market?
The Halifax announced in early January that there was a Boris Bounce in the national property market as they stated national property values soared 1.7% in December 2019 – the biggest rise since the 1.9% month on month rise in February 2007 (a few months before the Global Financial Crisis aka the Credit Crunch). Get […]
Time to set your marketing price (get it right first time)
If you are looking to sale your property in 2020 then you may well have already had several agents out to value your home. Let’s say that they have all suggested marketing in the region of £500,000. What price should you set as your asking price? When I first started valuing and marketing properties (many […]