Working in estate agency in the UK is a peculiar thing. It is essentially a sales role, but unlike most sales roles, incentives seem to play little part. The industry has created a system whereby the rewards of selling do not seem to filter down to the people doing the selling. Rather it just drips down. In most agency markets around the world, individual people are heavily incentivised to firstly find product to let or sell and secondly, to actually let or sell that product. This incentive structure comes in two distinct forms;
1. Commission share on successful transaction that actually creates a meaningful material incentive. For example, 50% of a 1% sale commission. Rather than 5% of a 1% sales commission.
2. There is a feeling of personal ownership and responsibility to take an instruction from start to finish – controlling the process all the way through because that’s your personal product and your income is dependent on it. Rather than our current system where many agency businesses like to fragment the process from listing agents, to viewing agents, to sale progressors – this is where customers get really disillusioned as they have no one single point of contact to deal with and create a relationship with.
At NEXA we have created what we call a High Performance Culture, whereby people are personally responsible and accountable for their efforts and results. We have created a platform from which ambitious people can pursue extraordinary levels of success and whereby we remove the ceiling on potential financial earnings. We don’t see ourselves as an online or high street agent. We are just what an estate agency should be.
We enjoy working with people that are personally ambitious and want to create great success for themselves and in their lives and the result of this is that they will also create success for the customer and the company – “A High Performance Culture”
We don’t shackle people to desks with rigid start and finish times, we allow employees to work within the boundaries of their lifestyles – providing the necessary tools, support and access to all our systems – and with the understanding that everything we do is client driven and client focused so that as long as results are achieved, the brand is well delivered and the customer receives an outstanding service then our employees have complete flexibility with regards to working times and structures.
We’ve also developed a system whereby we provide working flexibility in every area of the industry. We want our staff to be client lead and therefore forced into challenging situations by different clients with different needs ensuring that our team of people are fully rounded experts rather than being pigeon holed as purely sales or purely lettings. If we have a client that wants to sell one property and rent out another, then they can do so through their single point of contact client manager.
Sales and Lettings are so intertwined that it makes perfect sense for the offering to be intertwined. People that sell may also rent and people that buy may also rent – they are not complicated functions and a customer deserves to deal with a single point of contact that can offer both. And that’s a key point of difference that we offer for potential employees that most other agencies do not.
We also apply the same level of thinking to geographical boundaries; if a client has a property in two different locations and wants to use the same trusted client manager then we would never stop this happening and never try and force them to use another agent in another office – this is what it means to be customer-centric.
We also believe that agency offices are more for staff then customers, as customers spend so little time there, if no time at all – so we like to create fun, enjoyable and inspiring work places that promote high performance rather than the stifling, squeezed and dated office set-ups that we see on the high street today.
Working with NEXA provides you with a platform to achieve results that can satisfy major career and financial goals. We have developed a fun and contemporary brand matched together with a superior level of customer service and market knowledge.
We always have room for people that want to achieve more and have great personal ambitions.
For more information of opportunities at NEXA, irrespective of your location;
Published by Jamie Gray | hello@nexaproperties.com