Is it beginning to feel a lot like Christmas for your buyers?
It’s the most wonderful time of the year, and what better Christmas present can buyers receive than finding their dream home. And as they brave the elements to attend viewings they will be filled with anxious anticipation, hoping that they get that indescribable feeling that your home is the one. When it comes to preparing your home for potential buyers this festive season, there are ways you can make sure buyers are not distracted and lost amidst a mountain of tinsel and fairy lights but can see your home for the fantastic property it is.
Let it snow (slide)
Every day there seems to be a news report about potential bad weather on the way, whether it is storms or snow – who knows what the next few weeks have in store? Should there be snow – the real, sticky kind that makes us all turn into kids again, to race to make snowmen or have snowball fights or go sledging – then you need to consider your buyers. Having any potential buyer arrive at your house only to go and slip and slide their way to your front door isn’t going to put your home on the nice list. Be conscious of your buyers and the weather, make sure you create a clear path to your home that is well lit, especially with the darker days and very early nights. Giving your buyers an incident-free arrival will certainly help to get you off any naughty lists.
Rocking around the Christmas tree (is there room?)
At NEXA we are certainly no Scrooge, but we would advise that you consider how you decorate your home this Christmas should you still be wanting to welcome potential buyers. We all have our own personal styles and creative flair when it comes to festive décor: you may be more a minimalist and only have the odd accessory here and there or, like many people we know, go full out and can’t wait to fill your home, inside and out, with everything Santa related.
Christmas decorations, no matter how beautiful, can also be a hinderance: they can obscure some of the many gorgeous features in your home which you know buyers will fall in love with. Whilst you are decorating this year, thing about which decorations you place where, for example, does it enhance your feature fireplace or hide it? Christmas trees are a space-sucking structure we add to our rooms, and of course we are not saying don’t have one, but bear in mind that the more things you add to each room the less spacious it will start to feel.
Baby its cold outside (and inside)
Brrrr hasn’t the temperature dropped this last week or so! And if your home is as chilly on the inside as it is on the outside, buyers will find it hard to feel the warmth of your home. When you know you have a viewing, time your heating to be on but also add warmth through features too. Switch on the lamps and Christmas lights in each room; how cosy will it feel to walk into a room filled with atmospheric lighting? And if you have a fire, make sure it is on. Imagine how at-home a buyer will feel when walking into house with a fire roaring away. If they get the urge to sit in front of it, or are reluctant to leave the room, then you know that your home is definitely warming the hearts of these potential buyers.
Mistletoe and wine (ooh the aromas)
Christmas is a sensory overload. Wherever you go you are enticed by the sights, sounds, tastes and aromas of the season, so why should your home not give a little sensory experience too. Our memories are powerful and are triggered by our senses – a particular aroma or a certain taste, can transport us back to a particular moment in time. You don’t want to go overboard but a subtle touch here and there can really add a treat to any potential buyer. Wherever possible use natural scents rather than artificial – real Christmas trees give off a beautiful smell; cinnamon and gingerbread in the kitchen will tap into memories of childhood years. A house is not what buyers are looking for, they’re seeking a place they can call home, a place that they too can fill with their own memories.
Driving home (sold) for Christmas
We know there is a lot on your shoulders at this time of year and selling your home is another added pressure, which is why we try to take as much of the stresses off your hands as we can. By considering your buyers should the weather turn bad, when decorating and preparing your home for a viewing, and by tapping into their senses, you could be driving to a sold home this Christmas.
For more advice on how to appeal to buyers and maximise the sale of your home this festive season, contact our team today!