7 Tips for keeping your cool whilst moving house this Christmas
You may have plans to be driving to a new home this Christmas and, with it being only days away, the idea of moving at this most stressful time of year may have you starting to lose your cool. Not only do you have a whole house to transport from one place to another, but you also have presents, decorations, possible celebrations, and a Christmas dinner to throw into the mix. We don’t want the stress of it all to mar an abundance of new and happy memories, which is why our team at NEXA, have put together some tips to help you keep your cool whilst moving house this Christmas.
1. Get your shopping done
Do you really want the stress of dashing around stores on Christmas Eve in a mad panic to get those last-minute gifts? If you have been shopping locally like us, you will have discovered what amazing and personal gifts can be found right on your doorstep. Remember that many online orders could arrive late, which means that they may arrive at your old house or not in time for the special day. Get your shopping done now so that you can concentrate on your move in the days to come.
2. Prepare for bad weather
You can often plan for the unexpected, but the weather is something that can be extremely unpredictable in this country. If you are using a professional mover, they will be experienced in moving in all weather conditions, but if you’re undertaking the task on your own think about using carpet protection film so that you will not ruin your carpets or flooring with all your comings and goings. Also, think about any furniture that you are transporting – is it covered and protected from the elements?
3. Time your move
The money talks when it comes to the time you can actually start the process of moving; until the finances have been transferred you are in a state of limbo. That being said, remember that in these winter months the nights draw in extremely quickly, especially if the weather is bad. With this in mind, think about how you will be able to move safely as darkness begins to fall, especially if you are moving yourself.
4. Pack an essentials Christmas box
No matter what time of year you are moving you should always put together an essentials box for your move. This box contains all those bits and pieces you may need on moving day, from towels, tea, coffee, waterproof coats, phone charger, toiletries (toilet rolls), and even torches and bulbs. You don’t know what will be left in the property, so be prepared as you don’t want to be left short on a cold winter’s night.
5. Prepare your children for the move
Just as you are stressed and overwhelmed with everything, your kids are no doubt feeling the same, as well as incredibly hyper as Father Christmas is coming … we believe. Try and keep the festivities going by packing their advent calendars and that naughty elf (should you have one) in your essentials box so they are close at hand when needed. Moving day is, let’s face it, boring for kids; if they are not in school maybe they could go to play with family or friends for a few hours and have something to entertain them when they get back. The broadband may not be working on moving day, so you may want to download some films on a device or two, and don’t forget to put their favourite teddy and blanket in the essentials box too.
6. Keep hunger at bay
Nothing makes people more tired and a bit hangry than being hungry, so pack some snacks for the day and check out the nearest takeaways that will be open on moving day. No one will be in the mood for cooking, and you don’t want to be faffing over what to eat from where when you are all starving. So plan in advance and even make a note of the order so when that time comes you can get it all sorted quickly and easily.
7. Make sure you decorate
It is the most magical season of all so why should that stop just because you are moving home? Even if you don’t decorate your house to grotto standards, you must put up a Christmas decoration or two. Of course, your priority will be making sure your bedrooms and living rooms are habitable, but it is also important to add some fairy lights and festive cheer. And when it’s time to finish that first night, and you sit down, put your feet up and enjoy a drink, you will feel that magical feeling because you know you have done – you are now home.
If you would like some more tips on how to keep your cool moving home, our team would be happy to share their expert tips – contact them here today!