Showing Category: Blog
The Power of Networking
Just over a year ago Nexa Properties opened its doors to the estate agency world. With a wealth of experience behind the team but in a new surrounding where there is always more to learn. I personally have always been one to feel slightly awkward outside of my comfort zone. However, I would feel well at home sat […]
The time is now for first time buyers
The time is now for first time buyers Throughout the last few years, a lot of changes have affected the investment market and although the smart investors still see their money is better invested in property than elsewhere it has concerned others and we have seen less buyers come to the market because of this. […]
‘How’s the Market?’ April 2019
Those three words that everyone working in the property industry will hear frequently but struggle to answer with any conviction. This question is as common to an estate agent as ‘been busy mate?’ is to a taxi driver, making it the perfect title to a new article, ‘How’s the Market?’ – a monthly article written […]
Open All Hours
Being a twenty-four-hour estate agent would be a daunting prospect for the majority of individuals working in this sector, especially considering that generically, estate agents already work significantly more hours than the national average. Already an incredibly tough, competitive marketplace, a stress-free week is a near impossibility if you factor in the unavoidable obstructive aspects […]
Life at NEXA Properties; Chapter One.
Going against all prior expectations I may have had, I have just written my first of many blogs. A little over three weeks ago, I left my previous position with a large Hampshire based independent estate agency and joined NEXA Properties – a company who’s history spans back to just October 2017. Those of you […]